Author Topic: MTL Three Bay Center Flow Painting and Assembling Order  (Read 443 times)

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MTL Three Bay Center Flow Painting and Assembling Order
« on: September 01, 2023, 01:34:13 PM »
After multiple failed attempts to remove lettering off several MTL three bay center flow hoppers (decorated for Conrail) with the intention of renumbering them, I have grudgingly decide to strip, paint and decal my own oxide red Conrail class CE16A cars.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easily these could be dissembled for stripping and painting (kudos MTL for the press fit assembly).  My question is, should I completely reassemble the car and repaint as a single unit (apply decals to completely assembled car), or should I spray all pieces separately, apply decals to the body and then reassemble once completed.  I have two concerns.  The first is if I completely reassemble and paint, the handling of the car through the decal process will crack some of the paint on the end cages.  The second is if I spray all components and reassemble after decal process, assembling the end cages to the body will crack the paint on them during this process since they have to be bent in order to get them into the car body.  Does anyone have experience with painting MTL center flow hoppers that could offer advice?  Thank you in advance.

Jeff Lopez


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Re: MTL Three Bay Center Flow Painting and Assembling Order
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2023, 03:55:44 PM »
If it adds anything to discussion, I have done Intermountain 5161s in the past, I left everything assembled and had no issues. 


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Re: MTL Three Bay Center Flow Painting and Assembling Order
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2023, 04:13:32 PM »
FWIW, I found a very light rubbing with a Q-tip soaked in lacquer thinner took off MTL lettering while preserving the paint.

Having said that, I decal on the final assembled model unless there is something inaccessible.