I did a search for Archer rivet decals and most related to bridges so wondering if anyone has experience (good or bad) with archer freight car rivet decals ? If you have wondering about ease of use and how it looked after paint.
Man, THIS is good news! I had a conversation just a couple of days ago mourning the loss of these invaluable surface detail decals!
I've used them for various projects including applying louvers and bridge rivets. They work excellently, but the decal film is very thin and must be handled carefully. The plus quality is that because the film is thin, it virtually disappears (effectively disappearing) after applying Micro-Sol and painting.
I haven't looked at my bridge projects under a microscope, but to the naked eye and in close-up photos, I don't see any film at all.
I found the Archer "bridge rivets" in N-scale to be a bit small for the bridge I built, so I went with the larger rivet decals that Micro-Mark made on some future projects (I don't think they make them any longer) because the sheets were bigger (more decals), but I could have used a larger scale's rivets by Archer to do the same thing. (EDIT) Micro-Mark still makes a large sheet of HO scale surface details, some of which may be appropriate for N-scale.
Photo (1) - Lincoln Hwy Bridges in Echo Canyon under construction using Archer Bridge Rivets on the top girder plates on the nearest bridge:
Anyway, thanks for letting us know that Archer surface detail decals are available once more! Yup...I'll be ordering more for sure, so that means I endorse them!
Bob Gilmore