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Dang! Very impressive work.
It is very interesting to watch your progress. Were any parts of the building painted, were they all just natural wood?
Being I had just spot glued the roof parts on, I pulled them off to make it easier to slide the floor in. I got 2 of the 3 floors glued in. All the walls are cut, but I didn't allow for the slopes of the roofs on the tops of the sides. Had to take a hobby knife and trim all of them. I'm not gluing the sides or roof on this one, cause I made the decision to sell it when I get the windows printed, the log jack built and decking for the green chain. By the time it's ready to sell, I might have the log carriage, bandsaw and some of the other inside details printed along with some of the green chain parts. Anyway, overall, I think it looks pretty close to the prototype in the photos.
If it were a kit, what would be a realistic price based on materials and time and such? $200? More?
I’d bet based on the contrast of the window panes, it was some sort of Indian or Barn Red.
I have just about $60 in plywood in it so far. Just the sawmill building (with windows, trim pieces and a few details pieces), ladder jack and boiler building would be about $120. The green chain (with details) and decking will add I'm guessing, at least another $100
It's a Masterwork of art @rodsup9000. It really is. And i hear ya on making instructions- it's a pita and likely a big reason why so may are so lame (and not just in the hobby).
By the time it's ready to sell, I might have the log carriage, bandsaw and some of the other inside details printed along with some of the green chain parts.
I printed a mill race up on a trestle and it will print. But I had to do 2 pieces because of the length.