Author Topic: East Tennessee & Western North Carolina RR ("The Tweetsie") branchline in On30  (Read 46101 times)

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I finally broke these figures out and cleaned them up, then washed them in detergent.
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They're 3D figures from the UK:
Two will be locomotive crew in ET&WNC locomotive number 14, one will be a civilian employee and the rest of the adults will be members of the railroad Army unit.
The two kids though... those will be Mom and Dad.
They grew up very close to each other and knew each other as little kids. So on my layout, that's how they'll remain.
Hazel and Gary Bishop 

God, how I miss you, Mom and Dad...


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It took too long but I hadn't found kid figures that I felt would work until after Dad passed, but Mom and Dad are now on the layout.
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The girl they scanned was older than the boy and Mom and Dad were 9 months apart with Dad being the older but I think it works anyway.
Mom always liked red, so that's what she's wearing.


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The MR Planning Annual just showed up, with my layout article.
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I recently combined a few short layout videos into a shorty one for YouTube, just for the heck of it:


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I was asked to take part in a discussion about op sessions on small layouts recently: 

Ed Kapuscinski

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I just read your article in MRP.

Freaking awesome man. Congrats on that.

And it never really sank in how much you've accomplished in your space given your scale. That makes your work even more impressive.


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I just read your article in MRP.

Freaking awesome man. Congrats on that.

And it never really sank in how much you've accomplished in your space given your scale. That makes your work even more impressive.
Thanks a lot, Ed. That means a great deal to me.


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For the longest time, I'd been wanting to put a date nail into the fascia of the layout for the year in which it takes place.
Online, date nails aren't cheap, so when I found on at a model train show today for just two bucks, I couldn't resist.
So, after a quick hole drilled and a dab of Gorilla Glue to secure it, and it's finally in.
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Shot some video tonight on my layout:



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Hard to believe it's been ten years since the first movement of a locomotive on the layout...


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Here's the only other ten year apart shot on the layout, of the first run of the mainline. The turntables weren't in at that time.
This is the same locomotive and cars.
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Love the Before and After shots 10 Years apart.



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Love the Before and After shots 10 Years apart.
Thanks, Brent.
I sent these in texts to various people in the hobby and I got a lot of responses about other layouts and how a 10 years apart photo for many layouts wouldn't look any different from the first day.


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Today at work, I got up and turned around and realized how random the stool I keep in the room for operations would seem to someone just walking in.
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Stuck to the seat is a magnet for the comedy act I saw in Portland last month (Randy Feltface, if you wanna look him up). I’m still not sure where it’s going to go, as we don’t stick magnets to the fridge since we got one with stainless steel skin. On the seat is a bunch of chip board, which I’ve used for various projects over the years. Most people only know of it as the backing for note pads. That needs to get with the rest of my art stuff.
Then, atop that, is my parachute. That’s an original early ‘red group’ WW2 parachute container used by bomber and transport crews. I still need to get a container to house it in along with the other Army Air Forces Stuff I have in the collection.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 01:40:06 PM by p51 »


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Randy Feltface is great, remember, blueberries are PURPLE!!
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University graduate, c/o 2018
American manufacturing isn’t dead, it’s just gotten high tech