very nice - but my TTX speed letter car is way too light for TTX Yellow
I too found the yellow to be off on these speed lettered cars based on the prototype photos.
I decided to gamble on a color correction on my example, just for the exercise of it. I tested it first on the bottom of the car, and happy with the results, proceeded to apply it to the entire car.
I’m just over spraying the whole car with Vallejo yellow ochre, with multiple (4-5) thin coats. In between coats, on the white lettering areas (car number, TTX logo and the COTS block) I used a wet paint brush to wash off the yellow overspray. The rest of the lettering was fine to leave, the overspray just generally faded the black lettering rather then completely cover it.
An attempt at a before and after pic… I’ll try and get a shot with a stock car for comparison if I can at the LHS, but the end result is a dramatic improvement. I’ve also been upping my coupler weathering game...