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There was a new (to me) outfit called Mini Prints. They specialize in 3D printing tiny figures and painting them. They also have service where they 3D scan your entire body in whatever pose you want and 3D print and paint it. I asked them about the cost but now I have forgotten. Old age! I would like to say $200 but that's a WAG. They do allow you to print 5x from the scan for the price.
$50! Totally worth it: https://www.miniprints.com/product/ed-k/
was that the guy opposite side of building from Spring creek? I bought a couple cars from him.. I was probably too late on the locos... wish I would of known...
$50! Totally worth it: https://www.miniprints.com/product/ed-k/They also do all sorts of other cool stuff.
Ahhhh, Marquette. Said like Harrison Ford in "The Last Crusade".https://www.google.com/maps/place/Marquette+Ore+Dock/@46.5796808,-87.4021209,2868m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x4d4e2716060cf413:0x62cfe7eda3fa70b5!8m2!3d46.5793444!4d-87.3880421!16s%2Fg%2F11j10q_vgk
Athearn's new tank car looks nice. Any idea of the prototype? Can never have too many tank cars.
I scratchbuilt my model of the Missabe Dock 6. The dock was retrofitted with a conveyor loading system but half the dock still has the chutes for gravity loading. I used a gentleman off Shapeways who modeled them after the actual Missabe loading chutes. As far as Great Lakes freighters, while not cheap, by far the best option is N Scale Ships. For realistic modern freighters, the Sylvan models do not compare to what Pete does. I have used Sylvan details though and they are nice. I have two finished ships from Pete/N Scale Ships. One is the Incan Superior and the other is a “saltie”. Pictures of each can been seen on his website. I also used a kit from him to model the “classic” Interlake Herbert C. Jackson. The 1000-footer you see at the dock I posted is a scratchbuilt model of the Indiana Harbor.
Stood by where that marina now is in 1988 as it was loading a boat. It was deafening, as well as huge! They are really excited about this kit.
You can even order your own @Ed Kapuscinski - https://www.miniprints.com/product/ed-k/
This is killing me. I want one now!
Think how cool this could be to automate the raising and lowering of some of the chutes!