Author Topic: Intermountain Train Expo Salt Lake Area  (Read 747 times)

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Intermountain Train Expo Salt Lake Area
« on: October 20, 2022, 03:06:41 PM »
Hello all, it's almost November and train show season is among us. The first one for the Wasatch Front is the Intermountain Train Expo held in Layton, UT this year at the Davis Conference Center.

Here is the website for more information.

Darth Vader


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Re: Intermountain Train Expo Salt Lake Area
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2022, 09:08:47 PM »
I rode the Frontrunner up from draper this afternoon/evening for the show. Nice little show, not many vendors, but I did manage to find a few things. Layouts were intresting... first time I'd ever been to a show where the N scale layouts out numbered the HO... or all other  scales in this case...
Didn't take any pictures though.
The T Trak guys were friendly, and their layout was whimsical, and nice.
The Free-moN layout was nice, there is a lot of good going on there. I'm kinda sad that I won't be here next year to see how it progresses.
There was 2 other N scale layouts that module club didn't seem to follow any standard, and when I asked one of the members what standard they were using, he looked at me with a blank state and said "N scale." The other layout was almost N trak, without the mountian line, but using Kato Unitrak. Again, this one looked like it had a lot of potential.

Overall, not as big or as flashy as shows I usually go to,  but it was nice, and it was good to get back to a show for the first time in a long time
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 09:10:33 PM by delamaize »

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)


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Re: Intermountain Train Expo Salt Lake Area
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2022, 12:00:43 AM »
I rode the Frontrunner up from draper this afternoon/evening for the show. Nice little show, not many vendors, but I did manage to find a few things. Layouts were intresting... first time I'd ever been to a show where the N scale layouts out numbered the HO... or all other  scales in this case...
Didn't take any pictures though.
The T Trak guys were friendly, and their layout was whimsical, and nice.
The Free-moN layout was nice, there is a lot of good going on there. I'm kinda sad that I won't be here next year to see how it progresses.
There was 2 other N scale layouts that module club didn't seem to follow any standard, and when I asked one of the members what standard they were using, he looked at me with a blank state and said "N scale." The other layout was almost N trak, without the mountian line, but using Kato Unitrak. Again, this one looked like it had a lot of potential.

Overall, not as big or as flashy as shows I usually go to,  but it was nice, and it was good to get back to a show for the first time in a long time
One of the clubs you mentioned  is Wasatch N Scale. Both @Nato and myself are members of that club which has its roots in Ntrak. The club basically eliminated the blue line as a required main line track (some modules still have a blue line but only for sidings and industry) and raised the height. We've had members in the past create and short 6" adapter piece so that they could use there Ntrak modules on the club layout. I usually have my module set at the shows but for few different reasons I haven't been able to attend the last few shows.
This is the first show I've seen Freemo N Utah at. They did have a descent layout and have a lot of potential.

Darth Vader