Author Topic: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale  (Read 3722 times)

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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2024, 12:54:28 PM »
I'm starting to think about how to do track and ballast.  The Atlas Z scale track is pretty good (best there is in Z unless you hand-lay it), although the rail is a bit oversize, but I can't complain too much.  I wish they'd narrow the rail just a bit.  The thickness gets me more than the height.   Here's a section compared to accurate-to-scale track with 115 lb. rail. 

I'm testing out some rail colors.  I've ordered some new linoleum brown paint that I'll airbrush but in the meantime I'm testing AK Interactive Real Color Markers in a variety of browns and greys.  So far my favorite is the "Chipping Color" but they all run a bit more red than I'd like.  They do make for a good rusty rail color though--maybe for unused sidings.  Mains seem to rust less, get more dirt/oil/dust.  As for the AK Markers, application is pretty easy, the coverage is good, but it seems like the bottom of the rail is a bit hard to cover with the pens because the "spikes" get in the way of the marker tip.   

I'm going to try airbrushing a section next.  I acquired one of those cheap USB powered airbrushes with a mini compressor and hose (I'm using it without the hose but it might be better to use it when painting track in situ). I tested the airbrush with plain IPA it and seems to work just fine, but have not shot any color yet.  It has 3 pressure settings, low-med-high and the low seems about 20psi, medium 30, high 40.  Will update when I actually paint something with it.

For ballast, I'm planing to use grout sand (Laticrete Spectraloc Part C).  The size of the rocks looks good to scale for Z I think.  My mixture is just two parts currently, platinum and natural gray, but I am going to add some chestnut brown to the mix.  I tested a bit of weathering--too heavy to be sure, but you can see the size of the stones pretty well.

Here's a bit of the weathered test track.   


Today, more mundane work on the modules giving them a coat of Varithane.


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2024, 02:41:05 PM »
Assuming that MTL uses C55 rail for the Z scale flextrack then it's likely just standard C55 rail which was made for N and H0 track, so it looks too chunky in Z scale.  It would likely be rather expensive for them to contract someone to make a more-to-scale rail for their Z scale track.
. . . 42 . . .

Ed Kapuscinski

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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2024, 06:42:54 PM »
Backdrops? Did someone say backdrops?


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2024, 12:09:31 PM »
Backdrops? Did someone say backdrops?
There'll be backdrops..!  Although at first I'm probably just going to paint the back board a light blue/gray then selectively add photographic backdrop "pieces" where needed. The yard is basically sitting behind a bluff backed by trees which I'd much rather do photos than real trees!   See pic:  Note the sanding tower (which looks like a John Carpenter Thing version of the tower) and the mobile load tester--gonna have to do a model of that in Z...

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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2024, 11:20:06 AM »
New track paint test:  Vallejo Flat Earth for the rail, 50/50 Flat Earth/Black for the ties... I think this is a keeper. 


This is a view from Wesley Ave at this location.  The overpass and retaining wall will be modeled on the layout.  Zumbeil Packaging is just out of frame at the top.

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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2024, 11:37:10 AM »
There'll be backdrops..!  Although at first I'm probably just going to paint the back board a light blue/gray then selectively add photographic backdrop "pieces" where needed. The yard is basically sitting behind a bluff backed by trees which I'd much rather do photos than real trees!   See pic:  Note the sanding tower (which looks like a John Carpenter Thing version of the tower) and the mobile load tester--gonna have to do a model of that in Z...

(Attachment Link)

Hmm. That screenshot gives me some interesting ideas. Hmmm...

When it's time to get serious let me know.


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2024, 01:11:17 PM »
Seems like progress on the layout proper has slowed because I've been distracted by some 3D printing projects, plus pre-Christmas activities (like buying more Z rolling stock than I really need right now.)   

But here's the progress of the last couple weeks: 

The backboards are attached.  Some of the wood is a little warped so the joints aren't perfect (they would need putty/drywall compound to smooth them anyway).  I might clamp & tack glue them which might work but that would require cutting the joint if I move the modules--but it's not going to move often.  I'm going to add a styrene sheet to round off the inside of the corner.  I'll probably have a printed backdrop in front of the back board that can be removed more easily if needed.  In the meantime I plan to paint the backboards a light gray-blue.
All the benchwork and backboards were given 2 coats of Varithane to help minimize any moisture issues.

I received the 1/2" Kraft Gatorfoam panels enough to cover the layout.  I'm still debating the use of a grade between McCullough and GK Tower.  It may be more trouble than it's worth.  But I might switch to 1/4" foam though for the lower portions, 1/2" for McCullough and do a grade between them using some shims like these and slice them up to make the 1/4" grade transition.  Any thoughts on this?   I have a big roll of 1/16" cork to cut up as roadbed.  On a whim I got some 1/16" neoprene strip to test out as roadbed as well.   

I printed out the track plan and am putting it together to mark track centers and turnouts.   

I am testing lighting in a "shadowbox style".  Here's a test with 2 rows of LEDs temporarily taped to some Gatorfoam.  I think this works pretty well, and should be even brighter if I paint the underside of the valence with the backdrop color.   But 3 rows might be better... 





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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #37 on: December 29, 2024, 04:56:56 PM »
More messing around with the lighting.  It's "quick and dirty" but it actually works pretty well.  Note the old Swiffer handle is being pressed into service.  I'm going to clean up the attachment but I think this'll work fine.  Afterall, it's designed to be "semi-permanent".  I might put up some kind of valence over the front for aesthetic purposes.   


I cut and laid down the Gatorfoam but it's not attached yet.  I also acquired some pale blue paint for the backdrop but also will be trying out a roll of "bulletin board paper" that is a sky pattern.  It's in transit.


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2025, 11:35:27 AM »
Some updates:

Installed the lighting, and I'm pretty happy with it.  I might add spotlights for key scenes like the engine house and GK Tower.  I'm planning to add a short curtain along the top edge to conceal the somewhat rough-looking foam board, but that can wait until I'm doing the fascia.   


Today I'll prime and paint the backdrop a light pale blue.  The inside corner is rounded over with a thin sheet of styrene.  I've since glued and sanded the edges.  The idea is eventually I'll add some printed cutouts of houses, trees, etc. that blend in as per the scenes.   

I thought about using a whole sky blue "poster" print (you can see some test sections) but then thought about all the IPA/matte medium I'll be spraying around and when I ballast, so I tested it as if oversprayed with IPA, it wrinkled all to heck.  It shrunk back--mostly, but painting is just easier and no worries about the overspray.  Eventually when I add cut-out houses, etc. the trackwork should be complete.   Photo paper would probably hold up much better than this thin paper as well.   

I'm just going to leave the layout surface level using the 1/2" Gatorfoam base, and not do any grades--it's a small switching layout and doesn't need it, I think.  I can carve down some sloped areas for the roads (Highland Ave & Beech St) and drainage ditches, etc.  So, the foam base will be glued down next, then it'll be time for track laying.  The track layout is printed and ready to trace centers.     

I have some PC ties en route that I'll use around the module joints--the rails will be soldered down where the cuts are made to hold the rail alignment, and jumpers added to ensure electrical continuity.   

One new idea is I'm going to add one of those Iowa Scaled Engineering "Squealers" reviewed on YouTube, and it looks pretty neat--I'm going to install one on the curve between the Midland and McCullough.  At least I hope I am.  I haven't seen anyone do that in Z. 


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2025, 01:43:39 PM »
A bit of playing around with Photoscape to get an idea of what the backdrop will look like.   This is *not* exact but just a general "quick and dirty" idea.   


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #40 on: January 09, 2025, 12:31:48 PM »
Backdrop painted.     

Side note:  I sanded the edges of some of the Gatorfoam and oh boy.. use a vacuum with that from the get-go.  It does sand well but the little tiny bits of foam get EVERYWHERE.  I'm sure I breathed in some of that crap as well as it was all over my clothes.  Word to the wise, use a dust mask and vacuum while sanding. 

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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #41 on: January 16, 2025, 09:10:02 PM »
Subroadbed/base installed, track plan laid down and taped.  I'm pondering how to transfer the track plan to the board.  Take a pin and dot the centerline I suppose;  Mark the turnout locations. I know the Yard will be one continuous sheet of cork, the other areas mains will be strips cut from the cork.   

I did get a couple of plexiglass/acrylic mirrors-- one for the northern side of McCullough Yard, one for the westbound part of the Midland Sub.  I'm planning to put it under an overpass meant to be the Norwood Lateral looking towards Bond Hill --maybe an N-scale Rix Bridge to look like a highway?   Here's the view looking north at McCullough with a few of the 52' gondola shells and the mirror temporarily propped up (it's at an angle so not how it will actually look).   I did test cutting these, the thing that worked best is to mark the line on the *mirror* side, put masking tape over the line, cut through the tape along the cut, giving at least 7-10 good slices, then snap it. 

Also picked up a Squealer for the curve from GK Tower to McCullough.  That'll be interesting!  I'm not much of an electrician but I think I can handle that.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 09:19:33 PM by Jesse6669 »


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Re: East Norwood, OH in Z Scale
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2025, 11:04:58 PM »
Tape the plan in place on the layout.  Use a pounce wheel to perforate the centerlines then go over the lines again with a fat Sharpie.  Worked well for me.
NKPH&TS #3628

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.