Now that my SW1200 is wrapped up I decided to move onto something a bit more involved, this being the Skytop Model's MP15AC conversion casting;
http://skytopmodels.com/mp15ac.htmlUsing an Atlas MP15DC as a starting point I started the process of creating a Milwaukee Road engine.

Comparison between the DC (left) and AC (right) hoods. The resin casting provided is extremely clean and required no clean up.

The majority of the work is extending the leading edge of the walkway to suit the longer hood, I followed the instructions on the link above which was easy to follow.

As a diversion from the kit instructions I transplanted the lighting unit from the Atlas model to keep the directional lighting. Also the handrail chain was removed and Milw solid bar modification carried out.

Side ladder, handrails and additional details made from plasticard.

As per most Milw prototypes, the fuel tank was narrowed. This is still over sized, due to not wishing to mill the chassis, but still an improvement.

Next I cut and shut some Atlas brass horns to suit my application.

The electric bell was a tricky one as I could not find a ready made version here in the UK. So I tired heating and putting some square plastic section to give the square trumpet effect, it's not perfect but I'm happy with the results.

After 12 years in storage the airbrush was unleashed! I couldn't find Milw orange locally, so this is Tamiya orange with a few drops of red.

A bit late, but I've since been told there is a more accurate font available in N gauge for the logo. I'll try pick up a sheet when I visit the states in May of the correct type.

Weathering as per my SW1200 thread, mostly oil paints and powders sealed with Dullcote.