Author Topic: Water tank for my Monarch Branch  (Read 944 times)

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Santa Fe Guy

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Water tank for my Monarch Branch
« on: December 10, 2018, 12:53:23 AM »
Been working the past few days to complete a water tank for my new HOn3 D&RGW RR.
Some months back I took to a second hand tank car, stripped it, cut sections out and rejoined them to the length I wanted and over the past couple of days set to about painting and weathering it.
Images are not as good as I would like, but.
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Lots of time spent using some military modeling ideas, first sprayed home made rust colour followed by Dullcote. Then applied Tamiya Panel line Brown in prime areas with Vallejo rust powders dabbed on (three different colours).
Let that dry then appled Vallejo chipping fluid and let that dry overnight.
Sprayed top coat of home made green, let that dry then applied water and used a stiff brush to take off areas of top coat to show colour below.
Final spray of Dullcote.