Author Topic: Minor Repair on a Painted Brass model.  (Read 1109 times)

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Minor Repair on a Painted Brass model.
« on: December 18, 2016, 08:19:44 PM »
I purchased a painted brass model (Sunset O scale 4-8-4 Niagara)..

What a Beautiful Locomotive!!!!!

One of the smoke lifters broke off at the solder joint. 
.. Since it is a painted model, I would assume that trying to re-solder the joint is going to damage the paint.

So.. I'm guessing I would want to use CA (Cyanoacrylate).. or similar glue to re-attach the part?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated..

Minor cosmetic repairs need to be made on both smoke lifters, so I'm going to contact Sunset to see if they have the replacement parts.. but I assume they won't.. so.. planning to make the repair myself.

Thanks ~Ian


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Re: Minor Repair on a Painted Brass model.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 09:20:07 PM »
I purchased a painted brass model (Sunset O scale 4-8-4 Niagara)..

What a Beautiful Locomotive!!!!!

One of the smoke lifters broke off at the solder joint. 
.. Since it is a painted model, I would assume that trying to re-solder the joint is going to damage the paint.

So.. I'm guessing I would want to use CA (Cyanoacrylate).. or similar glue to re-attach the part?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated..

Minor cosmetic repairs need to be made on both smoke lifters, so I'm going to contact Sunset to see if they have the replacement parts.. but I assume they won't.. so.. planning to make the repair myself.

Thanks ~Ian

Well, I went out on a limb and tried to fix it.. and I think it will work.. 

I lightly sanded the (to be glued) surfaces with 2200 grit sandpaper until shiny.. wiped away any dust.. and used the CA.. Light application on both surfaces.. then held for 30 seconds, then applied some glue to the inside surface around the joint that will be hidden by the walkway when applied.

We'll see how it holds.. I'm only displaying the model.. so as long as it doesn't fall off with minor handling.. It should be fine.

I don't plan to hold it by the 'ears'



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Re: Minor Repair on a Painted Brass model.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2016, 10:00:10 PM »
Try a little dot of JB weld.


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Re: Minor Repair on a Painted Brass model.
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2016, 10:38:51 PM »
Try a little dot of JB weld.

I'll try that if the CA doesn't hold.. So far so good, with the part reinstalled..

Still need to do paint touchup..



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Re: Minor Repair on a Painted Brass model.
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2016, 11:13:34 PM »
The BEST way to repair parts that come de-soldered on brass models is to use a resistance soldering station and resolder them.  Using a torch or big soldering iron is going to totally wreck the paint job, whereas the concentrated spot of heat that a resistance soldering station can apply, along with being able to perfectly position and hold the part before heating, during heating and during cooling will give you an original strength joint with only the necessity of a very small bit of retouching the paint.

CA on a small area will come apart soon.

JB Weld is what I'd use if I didn't have a resistance soldering station.

Bob Gilmore