Various rebuilt/kitbashed cars that seemed like good projects to start (at the time).
This one seems pretty easy: switch the position of the doors on one side of a WOT 70' baggage car for a reasonable stand-in for a NH version. Also, use 4-wheel express trucks.

Sticking with the NH, I began my own conversions of the troop cars before the resin castings came out. The NH doors are different, anyway. I replaced the Allied trucks with short shank MTL BX Express ones.

A more ambitious NH project -- baggage/lounge streamlined car. But this is on hold to see if Bryan Busse brings out his line of streamlined NH car shells.

This heavily reworked Rivarossi car can pass for a Pennsy baggage car on the NH layout I'm building.

And now for something completely different: I got it into my head that the ConCor M10000 could be transformed into the M10001 (
City of Portland) just by adding 3 of the extra sleepers and making some body modifications to the set's cars. This was an engine unit shell I was working on to represent the M-10001's separate baggage car, which would have used the coach car frame.