Yes, water-mixable oils. They don't take too long to dry, if you put them on in thin layers. I will put the model aside for a couple of days, and then it is ready for a clear coat (flat).
Acrylics dry way too fast for me esp. here in the Denver area. Ditto for gouache, tho that can be mixed with the water-mix oils and speed up the drying time a bit.
One thing with streaks is, the
must be straight or they will look very odd. With the water-mix oils, I don't have to get that first stroke perfectly straight, I just need to get something down and then I can go back and 'refine' it until it looks about right. I can even 'erase' the whole thing and try again (within reason - eventually the underlying car color will start to stain if done repeatedly) (ask me how I know about that...

). The streak can be made to have a 'hard' edge, or it can be softened by feathering over it with a clean dry brush.