Couple more questions the panel....
How late were the Oakways roaming around the system?
Like many things, most of them were laid-up during the recession. As traffic returned, so did many of them in limited roles. We had some of them in Topeka with pretty fresh service damage as late as mid-2012 prepping them for turnback/sale (not at all sure of the financial arrangement there).
I am guessing the B40's were set aside around 2008/9 or later?
Mostly, yeah. I've still seen a handful used as local power though, but very rarely as good road power.
The LMX's were gone much earlier, like 2002-2005 or did any hang around?
I've been with BNSF since 2003, and I've never, not once, seen an LMX in service. I saw them parked when I first started, but never pulling a train, and I haven't so much as seen one on property since maybe 2005 at the latest. More than a few of the gigantic turds made their way over to KCS for some time, so depending on exactly what timeframe I end up settling on, I may need one myself.