The NZT line of detail products is off to a nice start. The products are nicely cast and coloring looks good right out of the bag. I thought I would see what I can do with a little bit of work.
In the below photos, the ties are N scale and the drums are Z.Here are the ties with no modifications (save for some flash removal along the bottom edge):

the old ties, also out of the bag:

I lightly airbrushed some Roof Brown, followed by a wash of Ivory Black:

Close up of the above to show the excellent casting:

Same weathering process:

Another close up, almost creepy-real (at least to me):

I painted the drums Conrail Blue faded with Aged White, since in my head I thought blue drums would look better and show off detail painting more:

I added a little Burnt Umber and Ivory black to represent aging and spills:

I also have the crates to weather, so there is more to come!