SPADES: Quite a compliment my friend...that I HIGHLY appreciate! Thank you!


Well...all I can say is BIG Thanks to you alway! Donk...not just for the kind input,..but for shooting killer flix of some fine weathered rolling stock over the years and sharing them!
GARY: Many Thanks good Sir!...The graffiti is all handpainted with the most basic of cheap craftshop know, the 99 centers that come in a plethora of colors? I basically just print a flick of the car that is to be modeled...I post it up at my wb and then commence to freehand from left to right on the lower carbody sill, doortracks, stirrups and all. I ALWAYS mix the colors on a plate I use for a pallet. Whichever color I need to be working, I'll mix to the proper shade on the plate before it is applied to the modeled tag. After an entire area of tagging is complete , with drop shadows, fine outline and other details, I will mist the entire area with Dull-cote* and then after this has dried,...I will come back over some areas of the tags and use a very diluted color wash in certain areas to simulate rattle-can overspray. Once all these kind of details are complete,..I'll apply Cots labels, whichever data decals or patched report marks etc. that need to be applied and then it is all sealed with yet another misting of Dull-cote*. As a final stroke,...I will create a watered down wash of a charcoal gray/ mocha brown mix of acrylic or sometimes just a quaker gray wash that I will apply with a wide brush over the entire graffitied areas on the modeled car. Once the entire work is complete, comes the final application of Dull-cote* to seal the entire project. I wrote an article pertaining to this subject that can be viewed here.... Again...thank you so much Fella's for the kind repsponse and feedback on my models!