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DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« on: April 09, 2010, 03:46:12 PM »
Hello folks.

I do not currently have a layout (I am still in college, and have no idea where I will end up after I graduate, but it is not likely to be here) but, someday the spare room or part of a basement will become the layout. I model steam in N, and am currently building a roster of C&O engines. I have a few kitbash projects in the works, as well as a large amount of weathering, tender swapping, etc, and would like to be able to install decoders while I already have the engine apart. To do that, i suppose I need to pick a system to use!

Thus far, all the locos I own are "dcc ready" except my new H4s that have whatever decoders bachmann decided to use in them already. I do have a test and roundy round track, so I can operate them and test for things like current draw, etc. and have some experience working with 12 volt serialized stuff (I worked at a fire alarm company for 10 years). The H-4s have the decoders in the tenders now, so I guess those will be easy to install? Im sure bachmann used the cheapest they could locate.

My questions, I suppose;

are decoders universal? As in, do they work with any system? I know there is something about current draw affecting the actual decoder I use, but, if i select the right rated one, will it work with any DCC system? I dont need tons of bells and whistles, just forward, reverse, and light(s) on or off. Some have back up lights, some dont, and those that dont I wont be installing them in.

also, what is a user friendly system? I dont know much about programming (odd, considering my alarm background, those were enroll a 7 digit number, set parameters from a list, select outputs and their actions if required, and off you go, is this similar?) I want to be able to control the trains, things like turnouts and signals I dont mind just controlling with switches. I would like it to be wireless remote capable (not sure what theyre called) and I am guessing more than 1 remote can be in use, to control more than 1 train, at a time? It will not be a large layout, but It will be able to have 2 or 3 trains moving about at once (as well as pushers, perhaps).

I dont need tons of options, and will probably only have 12 or so locos total. I will not ever be one of those with hundreds of them I dont think.

Thanks, Tim
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2010, 04:17:51 PM »
Yes, the decoders pretty much follow a standard, you can use any model of decoder on any DCC system. The MTH HO stuff is a bit weird because it's not exactly DCC, and partly compatible, but they haven't made it into N-scale yet.

Most of the big systems offer radio throttles.

I use the NCE system and throttles at my club and it's pretty straightforward to use.

Want to select an engine? Hit "Select Loco" and type in the number.
Want to MU a bunch together? Hit "Setup consist" and then punch in the consist address and engine numbers & directions in sequence. The throttle has pretty nice prompts to tell you what to type in and when.
To select a consist it can be referenced by either the consist address or the lead loco number.


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 12:02:36 AM »
I've used both Digitrax and NCE systems, and i've become a big fan of NCE. It's well thought out, easy to use, and doesn't require getting out the manual for stuff like consisting locos.

NCE also offers a full-function starter system sold as the "Power-Cab", which has the exact same user throttle interface that the full system does. Then when it's time to upgrade to the bigger system, you can use your original power-cab throttle in procab mode when you plug it into the bigger system (or when you take it down the club if they have NCE).
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 12:45:44 PM »
I have a Power Cab and love it!
Philip H.
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2010, 02:32:51 PM »
Resurrecting thread alert!

I've been mulling over the same question... no layout but looking at getting into DCC before I get space to build. I figured that I'd just go with Digitrax, but now I'm not so sure. Does the NCE system offer the same basic features as Digitrax? Are there any substantial differences between NCE and Digitrax systems? Compatibility issues with decoders and these systems? Are the Digitrax decoders better than NCE or essentially the same?

I figured that Digitrax would be the way to go, but now I'm not so sure...


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2010, 07:49:49 PM »
Check out the new Digitrax "Zephyr Extra".


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2010, 10:30:53 PM »
Money is not the issue. I can go for the pro starter sets, and will need it when I get the space for the layout... it's just that with choice there is doubt. Not sure which brand to choose...


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2010, 10:33:40 PM »
I've used digitrax at several layouts, and i honestly wasn't impressed. I eventually bought my own DT400R, and even owning that, i still prefer NCE.
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2010, 08:20:16 PM »
your plan includes many of the 'extras' that Digitrax offers, it made my decision easy.  I really wanted integrated signalling, block detection and transpnding so Digitax with JMRI fulfilled needs that others do not.  While Digitrax has a steeper learning curve the extras make it worthwhile to me...
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 12:49:31 PM »
Signaling is of interest to me, for sure. So, by extension, so is block detection. I'm not sure about transponding, plus it's is not something I'm totally familiar with... I'm on periphery of comprehension, not sure if there is a need for it for me. I think if I actually had a working layout, I'd better see the need for such things, but that is a little ways of as off yet. My layout will have the basement to itself, so I can pretty much build as small or large as I see fit, so it may be that initially a lot of functionality will be superfluous. But should I expand (likely) I want the ability to add.

In short, I want the system that will best adapt to my needs or can accommodate the functionality that I might not yet know I'd like.


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2010, 08:50:34 AM »
Signaling - Block detection....
In any case if you're running NCE you still can any Loconet (Digitraxx compatible) accessory peripheral.
Check this drawing from Tam Valley for his SRC16 used as bridge between an DCC control panel and Loconet accessory bus:
I hear that this card was not simple to program, so I'm curious if anybody else have experience?


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2010, 05:05:20 PM »
As far as the DCC system, I have also chosen NCE. Their Pro Cab is the easiest by far.
In order to chose, you should try to hold one in your hands and see if it is for you or not.
Last club I was in used EASY DCC.  It has a console similar to Digitrax' Zephyr Extra.

As for signaling, did you know Atlas makes a simple signaling system with detection? This is a stand alone system separate from your DCC system.
 If you don't like their signals, you can buy your own and use their electronics.
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2010, 12:31:26 AM »
I find my DT400R simple to use. NCE and MRC controllers are not as intuitive to me but I can eventually figure them out. I guess "easy" is really a matter of which throttle you use the most.

Martin Myers


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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2010, 01:05:33 AM »
Well let's just agree on easiest.
The NCE Pro Cab has all of the buttons labeled with what purpose they do, and even an alternative one.
the Digitrax 400R, a radio throttle, has what? Buttons with numbers on it, and a dial to select your engine at the top?
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Re: DCC time, need to start thinking about this.
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2010, 08:37:04 PM »
for 'most intuative throttle in your hand' would be going to NCE, no contest.  Award for 'most functions/information in your hand' would be Digitrax.  The rest seem to fall somewhere in the middle of a fairly narrow range. 

Looking at the more 'mature' systems, the features can be mind numbingly similar.  All systems have ardent supporters who practically live and die on the decision of the next users adoption of 'thier' system.  Don't understand that process myself, but its what I observe in the real world.  I have tried out most systems at one time or another and all have merits to be considered. 

In the end, DCC is like religion, computers or politics, once you pick one flavour its forever 'the one' and converting others to your choice can become a zombie-like goal.

Full disclosure, I use Digitrax for many reasons, but mostly because AJ and Zana served me delicious red flavoured kool-aid in person while they were still in Norcross, GA and less than three miles from my front door.  Being a tech-head helps when choosing Digitrax.  Something I'm comfortable with, but my choice is certainly not for everyone...
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