Author Topic: Is it worth buying an Alps???  (Read 2379 times)

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Is it worth buying an Alps???
« on: March 24, 2010, 09:11:03 AM »
Hi All...

I have always wanted to do my own decals but being a PPR modeler where most everything is white it leaves me with few options.

So is it worth buying an Alps printer just for the convienance of being able to make what I want at a whim??

And to you guys on here that may have one I see the Alps 5000,1300 and 1000 which one.The 1000 and 1300 go for less money but are capable of doing n scale decals??

I am just the type that hates waiting for someone else when I can do it myself and learning how to do it is half the fun.But in the same token is the time and money involved worth it?

Any insight,thought and comments welcomed and appreciated thanks



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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 10:26:39 AM »
Weigh the cost of having them made versus the cost of an ALPS.


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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 11:47:10 AM »
Beware when buying an Alps, if the head isn't packed properly before shipping (as I understand it) you get a large hi tech door stop. At least that's what killed the one I had. Which reminds me I have a load of ribbons here to sell.



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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 02:43:52 PM »
Keep in mind you aren't limited to doing PRR decals.  You can do rolling stock data, signs.. anything you like.

I love mine.. although I got it back when they were affordable.


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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 06:09:04 PM »
Where can you even buy an Alps nowadays?   Not to mention inks, etc?



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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 06:26:18 PM »
Where can you even buy an Alps nowadays?   Not to mention inks, etc?

There's almost always a couple of them on eBay, along with ink cartridges.

Any insight,thought and comments welcomed and appreciated thanks

Allen, be prepared to learn Adobe or CorelDraw, if you don't own/use one of these already. They're not cheap, and there's a fairly steep learning curve. You'll also need to learn some tricks to get the most out of the Alps printer. For instance, there's a difference in image clarity when you print drawings containing really small text (<8pt) if it's rendered as text or first converted to curves.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 06:31:04 PM by David K. Smith »


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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2010, 05:28:26 AM »
Thanks everyone for your replys they are helpful in many ways to help me decide what I want to do.

Beware when buying an Alps, if the head isn't packed properly before shipping (as I understand it) you get a large hi tech door stop. At least that's what killed the one I had. Which reminds me I have a load of ribbons here to sell.
This is one of the most troubling things I have seen about buying an Alps from the the auction site.But I guess if I want one bad enough I will have to take a chance the only other option is to buy knew from Australlia at like 1500.00 bucks so that is not happening.

Keep in mind you aren't limited to doing PRR decals.  You can do rolling stock data, signs.. anything you like.

Ohhhhh yeh I was thinking this also there is just nothing better than having the tool you need when you need it.Diezmon did you find the Alps a real pain in the but to learn to get it to print N scale decals?And what one do you have 1000,1300,5000 or 5500?

Allen, be prepared to learn Adobe or CorelDraw, if you don't own/use one of these already. They're not cheap, and there's a fairly steep learning curve. You'll also need to learn some tricks to get the most out of the Alps printer. For instance, there's a difference in image clarity when you print drawings containing really small text (<8pt) if it's rendered as text or first converted to curves.

Dave this is one factor that has kept me from purchasing one.The learning the programs part does not not bother me I know three different CAD programs along with other such drawing programs so I dont think CorelDraw or Adobe can be that hard.But I am leary about is the learning curve to just get the darn Alps to print properly settings ,spot color yada yada yada.I dont want to wear it out just trying to get it to print my first set of decals.Although there is a few very good Yahoo group on the Alps OKI printers that I am sure could help me through any problems.

Wel thank guys take care



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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2010, 09:55:49 PM »
a few months of hard use my MD1000 has mostlly been stored servicable.  For a long while the difficulty of obtaining white caused some concern.  While the white ribbon issue has been resolved I'm just not so into it right now.  I have a nice stock right now but little inspiration to get much done.  If you feel the desire to knock off a few decals in support of projects as you do them an ALPS is ideal.  If you are the type who plans well and can fill up a page a couple of times a year, getting custom sheets done could be much better for you. Only you know yourself well enough to make that decision...
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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2010, 11:54:10 PM »
Here's a link for ya


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Re: Is it worth buying an Alps???
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2010, 12:03:20 AM »
I will have to take a chance the only other option is to buy knew from Australlia at like 1500.00 bucks so that is not happening.

Yeah mate bonza just like you Canadians to get your countries mixed up eh ;D ;D