Author Topic: Another print question, this time "Diesel Era" magazine and Withers Publishing  (Read 2160 times)

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I saw someone mention on a list I subscribe to that there was a big section of coverage on Jersey Central:

The new volume of Diesel Era is out, and has a 25 page section
covering CNJ's Baldwins. It has quite a few pictures from their
switchers to the double-enders and a description of locos.

So I hit Google and figured out that Diesel Era is a magazine.

Has anyone seen it? How is it?

I also saw that Withers Publishing who publishes the mag has a number of books, some with very interesting titles like "EMDs SW8 Americas Medium-Horsepower Switcher Choice" or "Alco's Century Series - Volume 1, Four-Axle Models." Does anyone have any of their books? How were they?

Thanks again all


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So I hit Google and figured out that Diesel Era is a magazine.

Has anyone seen it? How is it?

Diesel Era is a great magazine - mostly in B&W, but you get a ton of information.  worth the money if you into diesels.  Withers has some great titles out there - i can't comment on those titles, but based on others i have, they are probably worth it.

Quote from: Chris333
How long will it be before they show us how to add DCC to a tree?


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« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 02:34:56 AM by Robbman »


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Withers Publishing. I have several of their books,one on UP diesel switchers, a KCS diesel book,yes they publish good stuff inadation to "Disel Era" Mag.                                                                                Nate Goodman (Nato).