Part of the problem may be that "resets" are not necessarily back to what came in the box. I always consider that the LAST option, never the first.
Anyway, you have done it already, so you have to deal with whatever that did.
Are you sure the bell and whistle are still mixed up? That is the part that is like the Power Cab bug that goes away on cycling the power to the Power Cab. If you still have that after power cycling the Power Cab, then it is probably part of the reset problem.
I don't have a Bachmann K-4 to look at, but I do have a Bachmann 2-8-0 with the Economi decoder. Looking at that, I see a slip of paper added to the rest of their literature that says. "Please Note: If you decide to reset your locomotive to factory defaults, please set CV 211 to 0 after the factory reset has been completed."
I note that your original post says you set your CV 112 to zero, not CV 211. Please check to see if your paper says CV 112 and not CV 211. And, please use your Power Cab to read both CV 112 and CV 211 and post what those numbers are.